Killarney National Park:
Capital Works Planned for 2024

Capital projects planned for 2024
Rhododendron clearance of 1,300 acres of woodland and associated habitats
Restoration of Tower at Lord Brandon’s Cottage
Restoration of 5 Bat roost sites
6 conservation fencing projects within woodlands of KNP
Secure planning for Dinis Torc cycleway / pathway
Creation of board walk on Old Kenmare road
Restore Booley Cottage on Old Kenmare road
Land Acquisition
Killarney National Park:
Capital Works Carried Out in 2023

Car Park at Muckross /Muckross glass house
Restoration of Old Weir bridge and tow path
Restoration of Toll Bridge at Lord Brandon’s Cottage
Rhododendron clearance of 1,250acres of Woodland and associated habitats
Fencing projects of 120 aces of woodland complete
Enrichment planting of Oaks and other native species within our woodlands
Upgrade and maintenance of 20kms of internal roads
Acquisition of 481 acres of conservation land